Born in Hakusan City, Ishikawa Prefecture, he pursued his academic endeavors at Parsons in the United States,
where he earned a Master of Fine Art, Fashion Design and Society.
In 2017, he relocated to London to pursue design studies at MICHIKO KOSHINO,
which marked the beginning of his creative journey across various European countries including Paris, Belgium.
In 2019, he relocated to the United States and gained admission to Parsons.
During his enrollment, he extensively studied the philosophies of Freud, Nietzsche, Plutchik, and Bataille.
Synthesizing these philosophical perspectives with his personal experiences, he delves into the affirmation of trauma
and the inherent value of human imperfection.
Upon completing my graduate studies, he embarked on a full-fledged artistic career.
Concurrently, he founded his brand, ASATO, and in 2022, he garnered recognition as a finalist in ITS,
Europe's largest fashion contest.
Additionally, he hosted his inaugural solo exhibition as an artist at Mizuma & Kips Gallery in New York.
In the same year, he was honored with the Grand Prix at the Asia Fashion Collection and selected as a representative
brand from Japan.
As of February 2023, he has showcased his designs on the esteemed runway of NY Fashion Week.


2017年にロンドンに渡りMICHIKO KOSHINOにてデザインを学びその後パリ、ベルギー、ミラノなどの欧州諸国で創作活動に励む。
又NYにあるMizuma & Kipsギャラリーにてアーティストとして自身初の個展を開催。
同年Asia Fashion Collectionにてグランプリを獲得し、日本代表ブランドに選出され2023年2月NY Fashion Weekにてランウェイを行った。